Brooklyn Diocese v. Cuomo: not sure this is actually bad
So I’m reading the majority opinion now on Brooklyn Diocese v. Cuomo, and so far it’s… not that awful? Scroll down for more. Click to access 20a87_4g15.pdf The majority is saying the regulations weren’t neutral, that they restricted religious gatherings more than other gatherings, and that they “gerrymandered” the red zone to include all the […]
White supremacists and cops overlap, who knew?
First, here’s an article about actual name-brand white supremacist police officers. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/analysis-opinion/white-supremacist-links-law-enforcement-are-urgent-concern Now here’s a little story.
My November 2020 ballot
It’s here! The Ward 3B ballot! As usual, I’m sharing my ideas and picks. In this post I’m skipping all the elections for judges, because there are so many and I haven’t decided on most of them. Here are my ideas. President & Vice-President Biden/Harris ofc. Come on. Representative to Congress, 11th District This is […]
“Complete and Green” ordinance is incomplete.
https://www.thelandcle.org/stories/cleveland-city-council-introduces-ordinance-to-improve-street-safety-for-vulnerable-road-users Paige Bennett’s recent article in The Land highlights Cleveland’s new “Complete and Green Streets” ordinance (676-2020) that was recently introduced by Councilman Kerry McCormack. According to the article this ordinance “has been in the works for two years and has already been reviewed by several groups.” Jacob VanSickle, the Bike Cleveland guy, had a […]
What’s up with “Operation Legend”? We don’t know.
I spent half an hour listening to Frank Jackson and his people. I am still not entirely sure what the hell they said.
Abolish Means Abolish
Let People Talk When someone says “abolish the police!” and you think that’s going too far, a good answer is “Wow, I think that’s going too far, and here’s why.” A bad answer is “So what she really means is reform the police.” I’m seeing a shit ton of the latter around news and social […]
Williams must go.
Just so everyone is clear, Calvin Williams lied. (The Scene article is excellent.) I have three things to say about this. 0. I called it, exactly a month ago. This wasn’t complicated at all. When dozens of videos of the same event consistently don’t show the thing that the Chief of Police says happened, it […]