Black Lives Still Matter: What you can do
What’s going on
It’s been a hell of a year and more, and most of us can’t wait to get back to normal. But normal isn’t good enough.
Policing is still unregulated, unreformed, and outright militarized. There is still no justice for Tamir Rice. Cleveland remains largely segregated.
Opportunities for housing, jobs, and education are still meager and unequal. We can and must do better than this.
What you can do
Check in with your City Council member. (If you’re in Cleveland, that’s 216-664-2840 for the Council’s main office and they’ll get you through to your own Council member.)
Ask them point blank: Exactly what are you doing to keep police accountable? What are you doing to eliminate housing discrimination? What is your anti-racist agenda? Don’t accept vague answers.
People are organizing!
If we know one thing about politicians and elections though, it’s that we can’t count on politicians and elections. People are organizing to build power; you can be part of it. Here are some groups that are creating the conditions for justice right now.
Black Lives Matter Cleveland: BLMCLE.ORG
BLMCLE is independent, volunteer led, grassroots funded, and dedicated to pursing equality and justice. Projects include TAMIR’S CAMPAIGN FOR JUSTICE and collaborating with “Citizens for a Safer Cleveland,” see below. (BLMCLE is not affiliated with the national BLM organization.)
Citizens for a Safer Cleveland: SAFERCLE.ORG
To get real police accountability on the ballot! CSC wrote a ballot issue to make the Community Police Commission a permanent thing and to ensure independent investigations of police misconduct. It’s a tried and tested way to improve policing and reduce expensive court settlements.
Cuyahoga County Jail Coalition: [link]
For a few years now, the Jail Coalition has been building a powerful, successful, community-based campaign to demand justice and accountability around the Cuyahoga County Jail. This includes:
• working groups on bail reform, outreach & connection with folks currently incarcerated;
• creative street actions;
• a set of collaboratively-drafted demands; and
• coalition meetings to develop further plans.
This is the time to get involved.
Join a group, bring a friend, start something!